Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This is my first post as a blogger! The reason I started this was because I was mainly bored, when I have mostly spare time I enjoy baking, cooking, organizing, and of course searching around on pinterest. I find joy in the little things in life; fun, photography, crafting, spending time with the family, and my babies (dogs). After spending 4 years at a college I wouldn't recommend to anyone (Stephen F. Austin) studying Psychology/Sociology and going through my own problems, it puts life in a different perspective for me. I plan to live my life completely different than I ever thought I would even a year ago. I'm not particulary spiritual, but recently with my medical condition, this exerpt seems fairly profitable to me, Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones"
With that said, I look at life with an open heart and an open mind and take joy in the little things. and if anyone's wondering 'L'amour est tout ce qu'il faut' means 'All you need is love' in French. That's what life is all about people! <3

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